THE CAAV 8th Annual Conference ‘Mixed Reality’

11th - 14th November 2024, Hybrid. Hosted by University of Wisconsin

Session recordings will be available soon under “CAAVCon Videos” section for members.

THE CAAV 7th Annual Conference

23rd - 26th October 2023, Hybrid. Hosted by Ball State University

Session recordings will be available soon under “CAAVCon Videos” section for members.

THE CAAV 6th Annual Conference

1st - 4th November 2021, Hybrid. Hosted by Purdue University

Session recordings will be available soon under “CAAVCon Videos” section for members.

THE CAAV 5th Annual Online Conference

14th - 17th October 2020, Virtual. Hosted by Clemson University

We are delighted to announce that Dr. Elizabeth Baron of Unity and Alex Simoes of Datawheel of the will be delivering the keynote addresses.

THE CAAV 4th annual conference ‘Show us the Impact

Location: Indiana University, 15th-17th October 2019, Bloomington, Indiana.

Keynote: John Fillwalk, Digital Intermedia Arts Lab, Ball State, University, IN

THE CAAV 3rd Annual Conference

Location: Villanova University, PA Date: 5-7th November 2018

THECAAV 2018 Conference Schedule

We are delighted to announce that Carolina Cruz-Neira of the Emerging Analytics Center will be delivering the keynote.

THE CAAV 2nd Annual Conference

Location: University of Wyoming Date: 25-27th October 2017

Keynote: Dr. Maxine Brown (Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago)

THE CAAV 1st Annual Conference

Location: Metropolitan State University, Denver, CO Date: 1-3rd June 2016