Surround Screen Based Display Systems at Immersive Visualization Laboratories

This is a new, actively updated list of known Surround Screen Based Immersive Display systems in academia, industry, and government. Note: This is not a end-all be all list, just an attempt at documenting the various display systems discovered through basic web and AI based searches.

Last updated: 1/6/2025

Boise State - Stein Luminary

Brown University - YURT

Buildwise - Belgium - 3 Sided CAVE

Deakin University, Australia - 9.7 m cylinder

Duke DiVE - CAVE

ENS Rennes - VR Theater

Glasgow School of Simulation and Visualization - VR Theater

Historic Environment Scotland - 3 Sided CAVE and Curved Display

Hutchinson Automotive - CAVEs

Idaho National Laboratory - AVL - CAVE

Kean University - CAVE

Leeds University - UK - CAVE

Lehigh University - 3 Sided CAVE

Leibnitz Super Computing Center - LED CAVE

Les Arts en Metiers - France - 4K CAVE

Lillie University, France - TORE

Marquette University - MARVL - 4 Sided CAVE

Michigan State University - 7 m cylinder display

Mid Sweden University - VR Display Space

Monash University Australia - Tiled Arc CAVE2 Style Display

Navy MVRSimulation - CAVE

North Carolina State University - VARL - CAVE

Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK - CAVE

Rowan University - MAVCR - 4 Sided CAVE, 10 Sided Arc Tiled Display

Skyguide - Curved Display Wall

Stanford - HIVE - Tiled Display Wall

SUNY Stonybrook - Reality Deck

Sunderland College, UK - 7 m cylinder + floor

Swinburne University - Melbourne, Australia - 6 m cylinder + floor

Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Finland - CAVE

Texas A&M University - 7 m cylinder

Toronto Metropolitan University - 6 m cylinder

Tu Berkademie - Freiburg, Germany - XSITE CAVE

University of Adelaide, Australia - 7.5 m cylinder

University of Bath - UK - CAVE

University of Caen - France - 4 Sided CAVE

University of California - Santa Barbara - Allosphere

University of California - Santa Cruz - CAVE

University of California - San Diego - SunCAVE

University of Geneva - Switzerland - CAVE

University of Huddersfield - UK - CAVE

University of Illinois at Chicago - Electronic Visualization Laboratory - CAVE2

University of Liverpool - UK - Multiuser Display

University of Maryland - Baltimore County - Blended Reality Center

University of Maryland - Baltimore County - Immersive Hybrid Reality Lab - Tiled Arc Display

University of Michigan - Duderstadt Center - 4 Sided Dual View CAVE - MIDEN

University of Minnesota - IV Lab - 4 Sided CAVE

University of Missouri - CAVE

University of Newcastle, Australia - 7 m cylinder display

University of Sunderland, UK - 6 m cylinder display

University of Texas at Austin - Texas Advanced Computing Center - Display Walls

University of Tromso - Narvik, Norway - 7 x 10 m Immersive Workspace

Univeristy of West England - UK - CAVE

University of Wolverhampton - UK - 9 m cylinder

University of Wisconsin - Madison Virtual Environments Group Six-Sided CAVE

University of Wisconsin - Madison - DSCVR Tiled Display System

University of Wyoming - Shell 3D Visualization Center

UTC Compiegne - France - CAVE

Vanderbilt University - CAVE

Villanova University - Wide 4 sided CAVE

Wichita State University - eXtended Reality Lab - Flex CAVE

Yale - BEEM Lab - Immersive Workspace

Zarzis Smart Centre - Tunisia - CAVE